Get involved on projects earlier and increase your wallet share by adding lighting fixtures to your services. You want full control of dimming performance to offer the best experience to your clients and avoid fingers being pointed at you when others specify poor-performing fixtures. 

The integrators and subject matter experts on this HTA webinar panel have experience in successful lighting fixture sales and will share how YOU can do the same. Learn the following in this one-hour webinar:

  1. What is the time / energy / profit opportunity involved in fixture sales?
  2. How to make electricians partners and not enemies.
  3. Line voltage, low voltage, or both?
  4. How will this get me into projects earlier?
  5. Where do I begin?

Moderator: Eric Thies of DSI Luxury Technology.
Panelists include:

  • Luis Rodriguez - Wow Media (integrator)
  • George Harrison - Harrison Home Systems (integrator)
  • Tom Doherty - Director of HTSA
  • David Weinstein - Vice President, Sales with Lutron
  • Patrick Laidlaw - Director of Business Development - Integration with AiSPiRE & WAC
  • Maurizio Gaudio - CTO & Co-Founder of Colorbeam Lighting
Register Here

Exploded_View_3inFixture-GoldLow Voltage Lighting is Transforming the A/V Integrator Market

Opening opportunities for integrators in many new and exciting ways, low-voltage lighting enables integrators to expand their share of projects by adding lighting to their offerings and allowing them to own a larger percentage of projects by adding lighting to their offerings. 

Learn more here.




Beeches LWs View 2 (1)Portfolio + Design + Passion = Big Wins

APEX Technologies brings a combination of unique European solutions, a passion for audio video, and complimentary, comprehensive design services to help technology integrators win big.

Read the story here

HTSA-HTA-collaborationHTA and HTSA Forge Strategic Collaboration

Home Technology Specialists of America’s Tom Doherty joins HTA’s Board of Advisors, kicking off a strategic collaboration between two groups and delivering mutual benefits to members.

Read about it here

Call for ‘How-To’ Videos

HTA dealers, build up your online credibility by showing off your helpful "How To" skills by producing a short, two-minute video, which we will post on the HTA YouTube channel. See what Sphere AV produced with “How to Reset Your Apple TV” and what SAV Digital Environments did with "How to Select the Right TV size for your Space". While you are there, subscribe to the HTA's YouTube channel!

Contact Jeff Bassetti for details and to claim your subject:

  • Surround Sound Explained
  • Top 5 Benefits of a Smart Home
  • Top 3 Benefits of a Lighting Control System
  • Home Theater vs a Media Room
  • What is a Media Room?
  • Home Theater Projectors 101
  • Wireless

Lose the Leads Mentality & Focus on Closing Percentage

Understand why sales closing percentage is the most important metric in determining your company’s success, and how you can increase it. Read the article by DSI Luxury Technology’s Eric Thies in CE Pro.

Read the article here

HTA_Sticker_Ribbons_[r1.0.0]-page-3badgeribbonsGoing to CEDIA Expo? Show HTA Pride!

Check out these two badge ribbons, and email if you'd like some for any of your crew who are attending. We'll have some at Expo, too.


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