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Industry Partner Trade Associations

Industry Partner Trade Associations

We urge all HTA Certified integrators to reach out to their local chapters and create mutually-beneficial relationships. Let these trade partners know that one of your roles is serving as a Technology Designer to their projects (most of them think of you only as a contractor).

Architects routinely rely on MEP (Mechanical Electrical Plumbing) designers, structural engineers, lighting designers, interior designers, landscape designers, etc. They need technology design, too. Educate them on the many reasons they need to bring you to their projects early in the design phase to plan for the home's technology needs. Forward this article > "How Home Design & Build Pros Partner with Home Tech Firms" and highlight the design-side of your business. 

The following article written by the HTA was published on the NAHB's website to educate builder's that they need technology design completed before obtaining framing, electrical, and HVAC bids > 5 Tips for Implementing Home Technology Systems - Without the Pain

The following is a list of industry trade partner associations for architects, general contractors, interior designers, and lighting designers in North America and the United Kingdom. Click the name of the organization to reach their homepage:


AIA - American Institute of Architects

(they have international chapters, too)

   AIA chapter finder: https://www.aia.org/find-chapter

         CRAN - Custom Residential Architects Network

          (CRAN is a group within the AIA)

          CRAN chapter finder: Click here

AIBD - American Institute of Building Design 

   AIBD chapter finder: https://aibd.org/chapters/ 

ASID - American Society of Interior Designers

   ASID chapter finder: https://www.asid.org/chapter_sites/listing 

ASLA - American Society of Landscape Architects

   ASLA chapter finder: https://www.asla.org/chapters.aspx 

ICAA - Institute of Classical Architecture and Art

   ICAA chapter finder: https://www.classicist.org/chapters/ 

IDS - Interior Design Society

   IDS chapter finder: https://interiordesignsociety.org/Chapters

IIDA - International Interior Design Association (a commercial interior design trade association)

   IICA chapter finder: http://www.iida.org/content.cfm/chapters

NAHB - National Association of Home Builders

   NAHB chapter finder: https://www.nahb.org/Why-NAHB/Join

NARI - National Association of the Remodeling Industry

   NARI chapter finder: https://www.nari.org/find-a-chapter 

NKBA - National Kitchen and Bath Association

   NKBA chapter finder: https://nkba.org/info/chapters


AAA - The Alberta Association of Architects

AANB - Architects’ Association of New Brunswick

AAPEI - Architects’ Association of Prince Edward Island

AIBC - Architectural Institute of British Columbia

BILD - Building and Land Development Association

HAVAN - Homebuilders Association Vancouver

IDC - Interior Designers of Canada

MAA - Manitoba Association of Architects

NAA - Newfoundland and Labrador Association of Architects

NSAA - Nova Scotia Association of Architects

NWTAA - Northwest Territories Association of Architects

OAA - Ontario Association of Architects

SAA - Saskatchewan Association of Architects


BIID - British Institute of Interior Design

RIBA - Royal Institute of British Architects

   On their website you will see they are active in the UK, Americas, Asia & Australia, Europe, and the Middle East & Africa

SBID - Society of British and International Interior Design


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