Do well by doing good: Do the best job we can at providing great products and service for our customers to create experiences that improve the quality of their lives, enrich the lives of each and every one of our employees, and support our community.
Bring the world's finest consumer electronics together in one place – no spin-offs, no gimmicks, no junk – and then find the right people to explain and demo the difference. People who don't push, but inspire instead, because they honestly love what they do. From there, recruit schooled designers and installation experts, professionals far and away superior to typical chain store installers. Set new standards for music-listening, Mobile Entertainment, Home Automation, Lighting Control, Shades, Whole House Audio and, of course, Home Theater. After people, policy: keep pricing competitive, and provide customer service even years after the sale. Earn our customers’ trust, never hide from mistakes, and build on integrity. Give back to the community and always follow the credo "do well by doing good." Last, laugh at ourselves as often as possible – and never put a fake gorilla on the street to wave in customers. Then, hopefully, let word-of-mouth do the rest.
For over three decades, World Wide Stereo has been one of the nation's leading providers of emerging technologies, both cutting-edge and practical in the consumer electronics arena. With a reputation for integrity and quality, World Wide Stereo has survived the test of time by offering personal service, award-winning custom installations, and competitive pricing. A full-service custom creative design and installation team brings the finest Audio, Video, Home Theater, and Home Integration products to reality. With two showrooms in Pennsylvania, on Rt 309 in Montgomeryville, and in the Ardmore plaza on the Main Line, World Wide Stereo continues to exceed customers' expectations.
This chart shows the price range of “whole home technology system” projects where the dealer has installed multiple technology systems (prewire, audio/video, network, smart home, etc.) in multiple rooms of the home. The chart reflects a time period of 36 months. The numbers include any private home theaters and media rooms that were part of the project. The pricing excludes lighting controls, motorized shading/drapery systems, and sales tax. The number in parenthesis are the amount of projects completed in each price range category.