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FAQ - How is the HTA different than CEDIA?

The Home Technology Association (HTA) and CEDIA have different audiences. CEDIA is primarily Custom Installation (CI) industry-centric and has many different initiatives and purposes such as integrator education, individual certifications, advocacy, and workforce development. CEDIA certifies individuals, not companies.

The HTA certifies companies, not individuals. The HTA is a consumer advocacy association to help homeowners, architects, interior designers, and builders find the very best firms in the CI industry. The HTA set the standard of excellence that consumers can rely on when hiring a technology integration firm for their project.

Additionally, the HTA created the HTA Design Partner and HTA Technology Partner programs. These programs serve as “Rules Of Engagement” to create professional harmony between architects, interior designers, and builders. These complementary programs clearly define how home technology integrators and architects, interior designers, and builders should work together to achieve successful project outcomes.

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