HTA Certified Integration Controls explains how D-Tools System Integrator software fits into its Entrepreneurial Operating System business-streamlining process.
The Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) is a set of simple concepts and practical tools used by more than 100,000 companies around the world to clarify, simplify, and achieve their vision. HTA Certified Integration Controls began implementing this business mindset after the pandemic hit in 2020. “EOS helps you set goals, check in with yourself, and hold yourself and your team accountable,” says Jamie Briesemeister, co-owner of Integration Controls.
“We were introduced to EOS through a presentation at a ProSource Summit 2019. Inspired, we bought the book Traction, by Gino Wickman, read it, and excitedly got back to work, business as usual,” says Jamie. “However, after the pandemic caused the world to take pause, we knew we needed to make the commitment to ourselves and our staff. We were offered to take part in a pilot program, receiving EOS coaching through OneVision Partners. That coaching is exactly what we needed to align as a business and set goals during a time of incredible uncertainty.”

The results of EOS have been wonderful for Integration Controls, allowing it to achieve better operational efficiencies, like an increase in billable labor rates. However, what Jamie and co-owner Jeff Briesemeister didn’t expect was how well D-Tools fit within the EOS mindset. “It was a helpful tool to achieve nearly every EOS goal and Rock we set along the way,” says Jamie. For those unfamiliar with the EOS process, a ‘Rock’ is a term used to clarify and give weight to the most important things that a business must accomplish over a 90-day period.
“One of the first ‘Rocks’ we set was to more fully embrace D-Tools' end-to-end business software, System Integrator (SI), using more embedded features and to automate tasks that had been manual and arduous. While we were D-Tools users for years, we mainly used it for proposals and documentation. We had another system for project management, inventory, and accounting—and it was a mess,” says Jamie. “As D-Tools continued to add new software offerings, we made the hard realization we needed to ‘break up’ with our other software systems, eat the sunk cost, and finally ‘tie the knot’ with D-Tools once and for all.”
Integration Controls got back on board with D-Tools during the pandemic, and the results have been impactful. “It has kept us focused, and when we have issues, we go back to the D-Tools team, which offers basic training on cookie-cutter functions, but also gives us custom training to make the software work even better for how we do business,” says Jamie. “SI is pretty in-depth, and you have to know what you are doing and what the capabilities are. While we didn’t take the time to learn it fully, at first, I’m glad we did and that my team has been fully trained. It’s powerful stuff.”
In addition to accomplishing its business goals, Integration Controls uses D-Tools to create floor plans and visual wiring diagrams, down to the connection documents for all the equipment itself. “D-Tools has all of the reports that I need and can print out, hand to technicians, and say ‘hook it up like this,’ ” says Jamie.
Integration Controls also stresses the value of design documentation, which D-Tools excels at, eliminating scope creep and re-work by clearly and completely documenting system designs in Visio and AutoCAD. “We’ve had Realtors call us to go through a house and tell them what should stay, or to verify if the previous owner left behind what they promised. Documentation, especially when selling a house, is very important, and D-Tools helps with that.”

Integration Controls is beginning to use D-Tools's next-generation cloud-based platform, D-Tools Cloud, but is just scratching the surface of its capabilities. “We currently use it for our break/fix service work and to contract discoveries. I have no doubt D-Tools Cloud will grow as SI has grown, but right now, we do most of our work in SI.”
Integration Controls proved that when business goals and an incredible piece of business software meet, amazing things happen. EOS helped Integration Controls define those goals, while D-Tools helped the company implement them. “The key is keeping the foot on the gas pedal,” says Jamie.
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