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How Design & Configuration Services Help Dealers Do Better Business

How Design & Configuration Services Help Dealers Do Better Business

HTA Resource Content

In the past, homeowners may have placed networking systems near the bottom of their home renovation lists. This uninspired attitude, however, is changing dramatically as consumers of all walks of life now recognize the importance of a solid, stable, reliable network to their modern lifestyles. Wi-Fi is now considered by many as the fourth utility of a home, alongside electricity, water, and gas. And as the number of connected devices per household and consumer appetites for bandwidth-intensive services like streaming high-res video continue to escalate, there’s a remarkable opportunity for integrators to capitalize on this high-growth market. 
There are customers to gain and money to be made, certainly, but only if a network can be deployed confidently, quickly, and with the assurance of optimal connectivity—practices that have historically been difficult for many integrators to achieve due to the finicky nature of Wi-Fi and unfamiliarity with best IT design, configuration, and installation practices. Establishing superior Wi-Fi connectivity is no longer a simple, straightforward exercise involving the installation of a few basic components. Today’s consumers do more and demand more from Wi-Fi and therefore a supporting network that is more capable and IT-like in capability. Unless you’ve added a few IT experts to your team recently, learning the IT ropes doesn’t happen overnight; yet, it’s vital to the prosperity and longevity of your business.

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It’s time for manufacturers to lend a hand and Access Networks is leading the charge through initiatives like its newly launched Basic Configuration Services (BCS), which is anything but basic.

Basic Configuration Services offer integrators something that can be difficult to achieve on their own: consistent, repeatable home networks designed and configured by experienced IT experts who have mastered the principles and execution of high-performance Wi-Fi connectivity. The expertly architected system comes to a dealer ready to install, enabling even novice integrators to confidently and efficiently deploy a complete, fully functional networking solution that’s compliant with all current communications protocols, is secure from cybercrime, and can be remotely managed and monitored for RMR opportunities. These preconfigured solutions are created by the Access Networks BCS team from data collected by integrators about the specific parameters of the project—size, scope, expected internet usage, bandwidth requirements, passwords, SSIDs and more. This attention to detail ensures every solution is customized to perform at the highest level and cater to the unique needs of each customer. 

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BCS is also good for the future prosperity of integrators’ businesses. They can get in and out of jobs quickly to reduce operating expenses and increase revenue through value-added post-installation services. Plus, over time, as integrators become more familiar with the process, they can handle some of the work themselves. Without even realizing it, they’re growing more confident, knowledgeable, and proficient in the profession of enterprise-grade networking design and configuration. 

Certainly, Access Networks has a long history of providing exceptional service and support to its dealers, through all phases of deployment of its top-of-the-line, luxury-focused Custom Core network components. BCS applies this philosophy to exceptional networking solutions for the mainstream. “We developed our Basic Configuration Services to fill a void that existed between the purchase of our standard network products for typical projects and our advanced Custom Core networking for large-scale projects,” says Bryce Nordstrand, vice president, Managed Services at Snap One. “Now with BCS our partners can stick with the wireless Access Networks products they know and love and still call on Access Networks to deliver a fully configured, customized networking solution to the jobsite but without the comprehensive design assistance available to dealers of Custom Core systems. Whether a dealer has years of networking experience or is new to the category, Basic Configuration Services streamlines and simplifies their workflow.” Because BCS offers a subset of features available through Custom Core, dealers realize a significant cost savings from outside assistance. The addition of BCS makes Access Networks a valuable partner whether a dealer is installing a networking system in a multi-million-dollar estate or a modest-size home. 

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Manufacturer-led service and support is a business model that will have a profound impact on the home networking market. In the current economic climate, it is even more important for integration company owners to find ways to optimize, streamline, and be profitable while not always adding employees to grow capability and increase service levels.  Dealers who in the past may have struggled to capitalize on the demand for enterprise-grade networking solutions now have the solid backing to take on new projects and provide their customers with the level of post-installation service and support they’ve come to expect. Recent Parks Associates consumer research indicates a strong consumer appetite for add-on network services. This can only happen by first designing and configuring the network properly. Programs like Basic Configuration Services are helping lay this all-important groundwork and extending enterprise-level networking to the mass market. It’s something integrators need to drive the networking industry forward.

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