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HTA's Media Partners - Go Get Published!

HTA's Media Partners - Go Get Published!

Getting your work published in magazines is a key way to build credibility with clientele and assert yourselves in the industry. The Home Technology Association has relationships with the following publications and they welcome you submitting projects to them. Be sure to get free subscriptions to each, links are below. If you need any help beyond the information below, reach out for help to media@htacertified.org.

Things to Keep in Mind When Submitting Projects:

  1. Is the project noteworthy? What makes it unique and worthy of publication? Did you solve a unique client request? 
  2. Get permission from the homeowner to submit their project.
  3. Notify any trade partners on the project that you intend to submit.
  4. Mention in your project submission that you are HTA Certified.
  5. Give credit where credit is due (did you work with a theater designer? Acoustician? Any manufacturers who provided design expertise?)
  6. Give credit to trade partners on the project (the builder, architect, and interior designer on the project)
  7. Have high-resolution photography ready.

Tips to Get Permission to Photograph Your Clients' Home:

Most clients are very private and would rather you not photograph their home. The following tips have proved helpful to some HTA dealers when asking permission to photograph their project:

  1. Don't assume your client will say No to photography. You will never know unless you ask!
  2. Tell them you will get their express permission to approve any photos for publication before submitting to any magazines (or awards submissions)
  3. Tell them you will have any artwork or family photos changed through photo editing.
  4. You will not share their names or any other personal information unless expressly allowed.
  5. Tell them that you will not submit their city name. For example, instead of Beverly Hills, CA, you will submit it as 'Greater Los Angeles area', etc.
  6. Find out if the architect, interior designer, or builder is planning to have the home photographed already, and if so, find out if you can either be a part of that shoot (for technology-focused photos), or get permission to use your own photographer on that same day.
  7. Hot Tip - hire the best luxury real estate photographer in your area. They are much less expensive than architectural photographers, work quickly, and generally give you full usage rights of the photos.
  8. Give your clients copies of the photos.

Subscribe here. CE Pro is always looking for great project installations to feature both in print and online in its monthly Neat-O! department. Projects that are cool, unique, tidy or meticulous are a fantastic way to showcase your professionalism. Email your submissions, along with high-resolution images, to CE Pro’s executive editor Arlen Schweiger at arlen.schweiger@emeraldx.com

Residential Systems
Subscribe to the magazine and newsletter here. Anthony Savona, VP of Content Creation of Residential Systems, is looking for some new voices to feature in their publication and would love to feature HTA Certified integrators. He is pretty flexible on what types of projects he can use, although he prefers ones that solve a problem in an unusual way. Must provide photography. Please email your pitch to anthony.savona@futurenet.com. Anthony can either interview you for the write-up, or, if you already have a blog or case study written, he can use that, too.

Residential Tech Today
Subscribe here. Residential Tech Today is looking for an interesting challenge/solution type of story or a particularly picturesque home with a solid representation of tech. The project must have excellent photography. We can write the story based on an interview with the integrator, or run something that is pre-written (and edited by us), if the dealer has those capabilities. We are looking for about 1,000 words or so on the story. Integrators can subscribe to our newsletter and digital version of our magazine for FREE. The one-year or two-year print subscription for our bi-monthly magazine is a nominal fee. Here's the link to subscribe: https://restechtoday.com/subscribe. Submit projects to jglowacki@goipw.com

Technology Designer
Subscribe to their newsletter here. The key component of getting into Technology Designer is the ability for the dealer to bring one or more of the design-build partners into the conversation for an article. So the architect, builder, and/or interior designer – along with the integrator – who we can interview and discuss how they used technology, how technology impacted the project, etc. We conduct all interviews, ghostwrite the article on the participant’s behalf, allow them to do final edits, then when we publish we give the participants the use of the article for their own purposes. Dealers must supply all hi-res imagery. 

To submit a project, email Doug Weinstein at doug@technologyinsidergroup.com and schedule a phone call to tell him about the project. If you can get design-build partners to sit for a 20 minute interview, they will move forward with the article either for the magazine or the newsletter.



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