By: Mark Goldman, VP of Sales, Pro Audio Technology and Theory Audio Design
I recently learned that I have been spoiled. Before joining Pro Audio Technology (PRO) and Theory Audio Design (Theory) in 2020, I was an integrator with a showroom for over 20 years. When my store, Sound Components in Miami, Florida, was founded, providing demonstrations was one of our key sales tools. As the business grew and morphed from a high-end two-channel shop into a full-blown systems integrator, we maintained the showroom and demonstration facilities. At the time, I assumed other dealers and integrators had similar facilities. It wasn’t until I got out on the road to see PRO and Theory dealers and integrators across the country that I learned just how rare it is to see a showroom or demo facility.
Some systems integrators without showrooms or demo facilities feel it is an ‘old school’ approach and often say, “why should I invest in a showroom or demo space, my clients just buy what I tell them to?” Though this may be true with some home technologies like home automation for example, there are many limitations to this sales approach. Sure, it’s easy enough to pick keypads, remotes, lights, touch panels, etc. based on an integrator’s professional advice, or from viewing products online or in catalogue. However, that’s not the right way to sell or buy audio equipment.
Systems integrators who ask their clients to make decisions on audio equipment based on ‘trust’ or a website alone is a mistake. In fact, the integrator is leaving money on the table. Audio is a sensory experience. There are vast differences in price and performance and often without the opportunity to demonstrate and compare speaker brands and different system sizes, clients end up making decisions based on price alone. They select what they feel will be “good enough” and the integrator completely misses out on any opportunity to wow them leading to an easy upsell.
Audio needs to be demonstrated, and when an audio demo is done right, it’s an experience the listener will never forget. It creates a visceral and emotional response that cannot be replicated by browsing through a catalogue or website. Rather than being an afterthought, the quality and size of audio system becomes the most important part of the project from the client’s perspective. And with that, the budget becomes available to support it because they ‘have to have it’.
What other category in our line of work offers such large upsell and profit opportunities?
For these reasons we have invested heavily in the PRO and Theory Experience Center in Orange County, California, recently doubling the size of the showroom and demo space to nearly 5,000 square feet. To us, the investment is totally worth it because once a client experiences the demonstrably better performance of Theory and PRO, closing the sale (and often a larger one) becomes easy.
It doesn’t matter how much a client knows about audio, all it takes is exposure to the extensive dynamic range and effortless sound our systems provide, and they are sold. Every single demo at the PRO and Theory Experience Center results in a sale. And, in most cases, the client purchases a bigger system than they intended to.
Our Experience Center doesn’t just resonate with end users. Exiting distributors, reps, and dealers who visit (or re-visit) often find new jobs within weeks because they leave with a renewed enthusiasm for the brands. Likewise, all prospective distributors, reps, and dealers immediately sign on and order systems immediately after visiting. Many also commit to building their own demo spaces because they want to recreate the same excitement and momentum in their own territory.
In the newly expanded Experience Center, we can now demonstrate the following: three different PRO systems (all at different price points), two Theory surround systems, Theory distributed audio products throughout, and pendant speakers installed in both residential and commercial environments. The various demos are thoughtful and compelling and allow us to showcase a wide variety of models from both product lines. Visitors to the PRO and Theory Experience Center can also demonstrate products from many of the industry’s other premium manufacturers including Acurus, AV Pro Edge, Barco, Cinematech, DMF Lighting, ICE Cable Systems, J Geiger, Josh.ai, madVR Labs, PTZOptics, Stewart Filmscreen, Storm Audio, Trinnov, and more.
It seems what’s old is new again – or perhaps the power of the demo was never really old at all. In our experience, it’s the most powerful and simplest sales tool we’ve got to close every single sale. At PRO and Theory, we feel so confident in the value and success of the demo and in our product capabilities, that in 2021 we started a program available to prospective dealers and integrators in the continental US to travel to the Experience Center at our expense. We want them to experience all the benefits that PRO and Theory can bring to their business before making the investment. If you’re interested, reach out to me to discuss getting you and/or your clients out to see us in Orange County, California.
Mark Goldman, VP of Sales
Pro Audio Technology: mgoldman@proaudiotechnology.com
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Theory Audio Design: mgoldman@theoryaudiodesign.com
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